Justice at last for lawyer Willie Kimani? Court finds that police officers have case to answer - Featured Image

Justice at last for lawyer Willie Kimani? Court finds that police officers have case to answer

September 8, 2021

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September 8, 2021

A Court in Nairobi has found that four police officers and another civilian have case to answer in murder of lawyer Willie Kimani, his client and a taxi driver.

The case has been delayed for long long after he was abducted and killed 5 years ago.

On Monday, Justice Jessie Lessit has ruled that after going through all the evidence provided by the prosecution, all the five accused persons in the Willie Kimani murder case have a case to answer.

The prosecution last week formally closed its case in the case after calling a total of 46 witnesses.

The accused include four APs and a police informant.

The APs are Fredrick Leliman, Stephen Cheburet, Sylvia Wanjiku and Leonard Mwangi – are charged alongside Peter Ngugi, the police informant.

“I have considered the entire evidence and having done so I have come to conclusions that the prosecution has established a prima facies case,” Lessit ruled.

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