Luhya traditions that have graced the 2020 festivities - Featured Image

Luhya traditions that have graced the 2020 festivities

December 6, 2020

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December 6, 2020

The Luhya community has always boasted in terms of culture and customs. Despite the Covid -19 pandemic most families had the chance to uphold the never changing traditions.

The most common ones being celebrated in this year’s holiday festivities.

In this article we review some of the traditional events that graced the 2020 festivities.

Khunwingisia enju(House warming)

This is small ceremony held by an individual who intends to start his life in the village. More like your typical house warming, however in this case a thanks giving service ceremony is held with the owner’s family members and close friends. This new house later blessed by the chosen priest who officiates in blessing all rooms of the house with prayers being the immediate factor.


This happens when the boys that had been circumcised are celebrated for transitioning from boyhood to manhood. This is a function held in December 3 months after the circumcision sometime in august. This time the initiates(Bafulu) are officially handed over to the society. In the event, a thanksgiving service before making merry and dance. In the ceremony the boys are reminded on what the initiation process was all about. In the three months in isolation the boys are taught on the traditions and what the initiation means to the initiate and society at large and what is expected from him.

Family Get-Together

This is a tradition that basically makes the “Luhya travels” from the cities to the villages. This is an opportunity where families from nuclear to the extended families get the chance to reconnect as a whole.

Bhukhwe (Eng’anana)

This a common event in most communities, where families have dowry negotiations for their children. In what the BUkusu call Eng’anana, this is where final dowry payments are done or rather agreements. In essence this allows for a couple to get married in the ways they desire. Further it allows the two families to create a bond of respect and honor.

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