Why Your Partner is hiding his “last seen” on Whatsapp - Featured Image

Why Your Partner is hiding his “last seen” on Whatsapp

December 8, 2020

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December 8, 2020

With the ever changing communication technologies, many relationships have broken up due to various reasons. For instance since Whatsapp was introduced communicating with your lover has been made easier and efficient especially with its friendly tools that indicate when someone is online, typing, recording a voice note, offline and even online.

However, “the last seen” tool has become a major factor in relationships

At times, a lady just wants to isolate herself as a friendship test for the true ones. She will, therefore, hide her last seen, just to see if you as the guy will look for her.

2. To stop unnecessary questions

Why didn’t you respond immediately? I saw you online. So, to prevent this and other types of questions, she prefers to block it. At least, if you do not see it, you won’t question her.3.She does not want you to know the last time she was online

Yes, some girls just do because they do not want you to see the last time they were online.

4. So she can cheat easily.

When your girlfriend has hidden her last seen, you will probably not configure when she was last on the app.

Even when you text her and she ignores your message, you will not mind thinking she was not online. This provides a good avenue for cheating.

5.To keep off stubborn friends

Most men do this to get away from the annoying people. May be to avoid seeing last, keeps off their stubborn friends.

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